New Main Streambox Page
New Main Streambox Page
New Streambox Micro Page
New Streambox Micro Page
New Streambox Cloud Page
New Streambox Cloud Page
Streambox Mini3 Microsite
Streambox Mini3 Microsite
The Task: Highlight Streambox’s flagship mobile video encoding product, the Avenir Mini 3, and establish new design language and look and feel that would be expanded upon and rolled out for a company wide website refresh.
This is a true blank-slate redo of the Streambox website, design language, and branding. Utilizing a new CMS system, and leveraging powerful modern web technologies, I was able to refresh the web-presence of the company. Customer focused content rewriting, new, compelling and vivid imagery all help to bring a fresh and modern look to the site. As a result of the process, we established branding guidelines and content standards for the company as a whole to ensure all content going forward would properly represent Streambox’s brand. The original designs called for a microsite for only one product, but due to the success of the initial page, the microsite was expanded to cover 4 total products. Once the microsite was a proven success, the look and feel was expanded to refresh the entire Streambox web presence, encompassing all products, market vertical pages, company information, and support.